
Local sites - Saint Antonin Noble Val

The Hundred Foot Journey 100 Foot Journey - in la Place de la Halle

The Film "The Hundred Foot Journey" was shot in Saint Antonin Noble Val in September 2013, it stars Helen Mirren and was directed by Steven Spielberg

Saint Antonin Noble Val the bridge across the Aveyron

Saint Antonin Noble Val - 42km north-east of Montauban, a fine and substantial old town. It sits on the banks of the Aveyron beneath the cliffs of the Gorges of Aveyron. Saint Antonin has the oldest civic building in France and a splendidly unrestored medieval centre. It has endured all the vicissitudes of the old towns of the southwest. Was Cathar, then Protestant and each time was hit by the alien power of the kings from the north. Yet, inspite of all, it recovered its prosperity; manufacturing cloth and leather goods, endowed by its wealthy merchants with a marvellous heritage of medieval houses in all the streets leading out from the lovely place de la Halle.

Saint Antonin from Roc d'Anglars
Saint Antonin from Roc d'Anglars - zoomed
Saint Antonin - la Befroi

Saint Antonin from our hillside

Looking west and east
along the Aveyron Valley
from the hillside above
Saint Antonin Noble Val
< < west , east > >

Upstream from Saint Antonin

The 8th annual Course de côte - August 15th 2005

Course de côte - the cars
Course de côte and Toby
Course de côte - the cars
Course de côte - cornering
Course de côte - cornering
Course de côte - cornering
Course de côte - more cars

Winter rainfalls

The Aveyron - flooding
The Aveyron

Fête d'un oeuf 

Fête d'un oeuf
Fête d'un oeuf

The 9th annual Course de côte - August 15th 2006

Course de côte - more cars
Course de côte - more cars
Course de côte - more cars